Meet Laura Gary

Who is Mad Scientist Running?

Laura Gary, MLS(ASCP)CM

'Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.'- Mark Twain

This was absolutely me when I found the medical laboratory profession at 30 years old.  I knew it was something I could easily do for the rest of my life.

17 years later, I still end most of my shifts with the thought "I can't believe I just got paid for those last ten hours!"

Mad Scientist Running came from the dream of combining my two loves: being a MLS and collecting race medals!  For seven years of my career, I worked as a traveling MLS where I worked in various hospitals all across the country.  I was able to meet wonderful people, see new laboratories, and work with different analyzers.  It was fascinating!  I also signed up for races and got to see some of the most beautiful landscape and running courses across the country.

Somewhere along the way, I merged the two ideas and thought "I would LOVE to be able to run a race in every state and also speak to students to share what I love about being a Medical Laboratory Scientist."

I joked about being a Mad Scientist Running so much, that eventually it became a real passion of mine.  It became an idea that I could no longer just think and dream about... I had to work to make it happen.  This picture to the left is my first race as Mad Scientist Running... An homage to Yzma from The Emperor's New Groove because it was the Walt Disney World Princess Half Marathon in February 2024.

Feel free to look at some of my favorite race pictures!  Some are silly.  Some show frustration.  They aren't always easy, but they are always worth it!  Every race has a medal.  Every medal has its own memory.  My sister and husband are my two favorite running partners!  Friendships have been formed and beautiful memories have been made over the years.  I am so very grateful for the miles, smiles, memories, and race bling! This is why I love running.  There will come a day that I am no longer able to cross the finish line... When that happens, I will have these memories and medals to reminisce on. 

Until then... one foot in front of the other!


Half Marathons (13.1 miles)


Full Marathons (26.2 miles)

Ultra Marathon/100k (62 miles)


Spartan Trifecta

Running Around America

✨ Capturing the Extraordinary 
An Unconventional Journey of Amateur Athletics 

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